Event Schedule

Photo Contest: Eagles Soar Along the Bras d’Or

July 27 - August 8

Whycocomagh Waterfront Centre

Eagles Soar along the Bras d'Or Photography Contest
Email your photos of these majestic birds for a chance to win! Everyone is welcome to participate.
Category 1: Photos of eagles by photographers under 16 years old featuring eagles over or along the Bras d'Or. Prize draw.
Category 2: Open category for all. Most creative photo of a bald eagle taken from the Whycocomagh Waterfront Centre property.
Category 3: Open category for all. Best technical photo shot of a Bald Eagle anywhere within the Bras d'Or Lake landscape.
Photos must be taken between July 27th to August 8th and emailed to
please add the date, time, location and category of your photo.